SLOMO Railroad Models Japanese | English

Introduction of Technologies

NMRA Standard Conformity

NMRA standard conformity. Manufacturer ID 142

Introduction of Decoder Technologies

* Motar Cont.

This page explains the technology which can make smooth slow running with low noise. It makes the user feel himself or herself driving real train.

* Function

This page introduces function with many kinds of light control.

* RailCom

This page explains bi-directional communication technology.

* Auto Drive

This page explains automatic stopping technology using NMRA asymmetric DCC signal.

* Special Drive

This page introduces original feature to enjoy driving.

* Reliability

This page explains protection feature to privent to get damages and maintenance.

* CV Program

This page introduces supported CV programming mode.

* Speed Cont.

This page introduces supported speed and direction control.

* Address

This page introduces supported DCC address mode.